March 5, Ash Wednesday
This holy day reminds us of our mortality and need for God. Drive through the Crossroads Circle on March 5 at 12:15 p.m. where a pastor will pray and impose ashes on your forehead. Join us for a bilingual service of repentance and renewal in the sanctuary at 7 p.m., held jointly with Fiesta Cristiana. Nursery is available.
March 16, Children’s Choir Musical
The K-5th Grade Children’s Choirs will lead us in worship this Lenten season on Sunday, March 16 at the 9:35am and 11:00am Services in the CLC Gym as they present the musical “Table for Five… Thousand!” Join us to hear with fresh ears the miraculous story of Jesus feeding a multitude with only a few loaves and fishes. Note: The 11:00am Service will take place in the CLC Gym this day instead of the sanctuary.
April 13, Palm Sunday
In our 8:15 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Traditional services, the Chancel Choir and Chamber Orchestra will present “Who Is This King?”, a cantata by Lloyd Larson and Joseph Martin. This moving work uses music and narrations to explore Jesus’ ministry as a royal servant, rejected friend, and the risen Christ. Children are invited to join the palm branch processional at the beginning of the 9:35 and 11:00 services. Nursery is available.
April 17, Maundy Thursday
Join us on Thursday, April 17 at 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary for a service to remember Jesus’ last supper and his command to love one another. This Traditional service will include preaching with music led by organ and Chancel Choir, and together, we’ll celebrate Holy Communion as a reminder of God’s love for us. Nursery is available, and this service will be live streamed via our YouTube channel.
April 18, Good Friday
Join us on Friday, April 18 at 12:00 p.m. Noon in the sanctuary for a special midday Service of Tenebrae (meaning “shadows”) led by our youth and children. This worship service will include scripture and music, along with the extinguishing of candles, to remind us all of the final hours leading to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Nursery is available.
Adventure Kids Extreme: Easter Edition – Good Friday, April 18. Elementary kids (K-5) are invited to join us on this day off school for a morning of spiritual growth and fun. Includes experiencing the Easter week story through an escape room, rehearsing a role in the worship service, plus games and a snack. Drop-off at 9:30 am in the CLC lobby. Pick up is at 11:45 am in Crossroads. Children will sit with their families during the 12 noon worship. Participant registration is open through April 13.
Volunteer on Good Friday – Youth (middle and high school) and adults of all ages are needed to volunteer during the kids’ Easter event on the morning of April 18. There are a variety of jobs, including role-playing or helping with an activity or craft. A great opportunity to learn or relearn the Easter story! All jobs will still allow you to attend the 12 noon Good Friday worship service. Please sign up online using the volunteer registration link or contact Ellen Griffin (
April 20, Easter Sunday
Join us to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ! A sunrise service in the Memorial Garden will begin at 6:30 a.m. We will gather for traditional services in the sanctuary at 8:15, 9:35, and 11 a.m. We will gather for contemporary services in the Christian Life Center at 9:35 and 11 a.m. Nursery is available between 8 a.m. and noon.