Nursery and Childcare

Nursery and Childcare

Our Stepping Stones ministry (nursery) is for children ages birth – 3 years. Nursery is offered during the 9:35 and 11:00 a.m. worship services and during some small group meetings on campus.


During these first years, we partner with parents to begin building their child’s spiritual foundation. On Sunday mornings, the 2-year old children learn a weekly Bible lesson through a video, storytelling, small group activities and crafts. At this phase we focus on developing the following spiritual truths:

  • God made me.
  • God loves me.
  • Jesus wants to be my friend forever.

For our parents, the following resources are provided below.
For more information about our nursery program, please contact Deborah Wade.

Weekly Sunday School Lessons

Forever Friend

Forever Friend

Behavior Guidelines

Children and students of Apex UMC must be appropriately supervised. Please review these guidelines before registering. All children are expected to engage in activities and to listen, follow directions and act in a respectful manner. Parents are expected to discuss appropriate behavior with their children and remind them of the expectations.

  • Preschool-age children that do not follow these expectations will be put in time-out for one minute per age of child. They will then be redirected and reminded of the expectations. If the behavior does not change or if the behavior is harmful to the other children, the parent will be contacted.
  • School-age children will be given two warnings with direction as to what behavior is appropriate. At the time of the second warning, the adult leader will tell the child that if a third warning is necessary, the parent will be contacted. If a third warning is necessary, the parent will be contacted.

Childcare Policies

Inclement Weather Policy: Nursery and childcare for all classes and events will follow the direction of the Wake County Public School System (WCPSS). If WCPSS closes schools and/or cancels school activities/events due to inclement weather, AUMC nursery and childcare will follow the same direction. Please read the following information prior to signing your child into our care. If you have questions, please contact the nursery coordinator.

Staff and Volunteers: We employ a dedicated nursery staff who are CPR certified and trained in First Aid and AED. We have a wonderful volunteer team and always welcome new members, especially parents that utilize the nursery. To join our team, please contact the nursery coordinator.

Sign-in Procedure: Upon arrival at the nursery, please wash your child’s hands. Staff members and volunteers will be available to assist with sign-in and transition. For security reasons numbered two-part nametags are used; parents must present their part at the time of pick up. Any special instructions should be shared with the staff at this time. Allergy information MUST be communicated to the staff and noted under “special instructions” on the sign in sheet. An allergy label must be placed on your child’s back. Label bags, cups, pacifiers, belongings and place in a cubby. Outside food is not permitted during worship. Goldfish are provided during weekday and evening care.

Parent Contact: Please provide a cell phone number. Text is the preferred method of contact. If you are called you must report to the nursery for more information.

Sign Out Procedure: Show matching nametag number to staff and initial sign-in sheet. Be sure to collect belongings, bags, cups, jackets, etc.

Sick Policy: If there is any question as to whether the child should attend nursery, then the answer is most likely not. Please consider the health of the other children and adults. Children should not attend nursery if they have the following symptoms:

  • A fever or have had a fever within the past 24 hours
  • Nose that runs consistently, not related to allergies
  • Sore throat
  • Undiagnosed rashes, sores, or other skin conditions
  • Excessive coughing
  • Diarrhea or vomiting

Food/Allergy Information: Outside food is not allowed in the nursery/childcare rooms. Snacks are not served in the nursery during worship hours. During care provided for all other classes and events, the nursery provides Goldfish. We ask that children bring their own cups or bottles labeled with their name. **PLEASE NOTE: when children are in attendance who, because of allergies, are not allowed Goldfish, gluten-free Chex are provided to all children; only if it is safe for the child with allergies. If gluten-free Chex are not safe, snacks are not served! All allergies must be communicated to the staff EVERY TIME your child is signed into our care. The information MUST be noted on the sign-in sheet and an allergy label MUST be placed on your child’s back EVERY TIME your child is signed into our care.

Diapers and Potty Training: If your child is wearing diapers, please make sure that you always include diapers in his/her bag. A change of clothes should be included as well. There are size-appropriate potties for the children in the nursery rooms. Please make the staff aware if potty training is occurring or if your child has any bathroom concerns or apprehensions. We encourage all parents to take their child to the bathroom prior to signing them into the nursery.

Toys and Activities: We are blessed with a wonderful supply of age-appropriate toys, games, and activities for each nursery room. If you have items that you would like to donate, please contact our nursery coordinator. We ask that children refrain from bringing their own items from home unless it is truly a comfort item for them. This will help the staff avoid unnecessary sharing conflicts.