Bereavement Ministry
A meal for the family or a reception at the time of the Celebration of Life service can be provided to the loved ones of a deceased church member. Other support for the service at the church will be given upon request. Contact the church office.
Blessing Blanket Ministry
Make blankets for the Duke Children’s Hospital, the Veteran’s Hospital and a homeless vets organization. No sewing skills required! Contact Norma Keyes.
Brothers Serving Others
Handyman ministry volunteers demonstrate the love of Christ by providing assistance with basic home repairs or maintenance. Their missional focus is to help church family who are unable to meet those needs themselves. Contact Ed Poston.
Caregiver Support Group
Caregivers providing in-home care for their loved ones are invited to join other caregivers once a month for conversation, friendship, and support. This group will meet via Zoom at 1 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month. Connect on Church Center.
Caring By Cards
Volunteers send cards to those experiencing grief or other crises and shut-ins. Cards are sent to those on the bulletin prayer list for extended periods of time as requested by pastors or other leaders. Celebrations are welcome. Contact Melissa Bunn.
Flower Ministry
Make flower arrangements from altar flowers and deliver to shut-ins and others in need of a reminder their church family is thinking of them. Contact Diane Long.
Food Ministry
Help prepare and/or deliver meals to those in our church family who are undergoing a crisis. There are opportunities to prepare/deliver meals and to coordinate meals two weeks at a time. Contact Kristin Magee.
Funeral Planning
Apex UMC Pastors will support and guide you through the funeral planning process. You may view the Funeral Planning Guide here.
Laity Care Ministry
Trained volunteers make calls and/or visits to members who are isolated or have few opportunities for social interaction. Contact Joanne Flayhart and Ellen Rose.
New Baby Ministry
As part of a welcoming ministry for families with new babies, birth announcements are placed in the bulletin, photos are placed on our new baby wall, and volunteers visit families. Contact Deborah Wade.
Paper with a Purpose
Paper with Purpose volunteers gather once a month and create hand made cards that are used by the pastors, various ministries at the church and a prison ministry called Pardoned by Christ. No experience is necessary and all supplies are provided. Contact Lori Fahs for more information.
Prayer Ministry
Commitment to enhancing the prayer life of our congregation through several opportunities: lead a class or study on some aspect of prayer; participate in intercessory prayer weekly with the Prayers in Action team; help make blessing blankets several times a year (no sewing required); serve in the prayer room on Sunday mornings; serve in special prayer worship opportunities throughout the year. Contact Norma Keyes.
Sharing Anxiety of Mental Illnesses (SAMI)
In the recent few years one of the greatest areas of vulnerability that has come to the forefront within our society is in mental health. There have been great strides made in dismantling the prejudices that often accompany this arduous journey that families face, but we have a long way to go. Apex UMC has an ongoing support group that focuses on the family members of those who battle mental illness. Please join us on the third Thursday of every month in CLC 206/207, 5-6pm or 7-8pm. Register on Church Center. Contact Gray Southern, Susan Southern or Kara Matthews if you have any questions.
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministers provide confidential, one-on-one emotional and spiritual Christian support to individuals facing a crisis or difficult season in their lives. More information on this page. Contact Laura Johnson.
Wrapped in Love Prayer Shawl Ministry
Knit or crochet prayer shawls and prayer squares as we fellowship together! Items are knitted/crocheted in prayer and blessed to be given to others as an act of compassion and love. Gather on the 3rd Wednesday monthly at 10 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall parlor. Connect on Church Center. Contact Marilyn Aub.