
For students in 6-12th Grade

Youth Ministry

Our youth ministry (6-12th grade) is vibrant and active. We have something for everyone – small group ministry, Bible studies, and missions.

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Weekly Middle School Sunday School for all students from 6th-8th Grade.

Sunday Mornings at 9:35-10:35 in CLC206/207.

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Middle school students are invited to join us on Sunday nights! This is a time students for students to have fun, build friendships, learn about God, and share in small groups. Our youth gatherings consist of dinner, large group time, then small groups based on grade and gender.

Find more information about or join a Middle School Small Group here.

Please feel free to reach out to Hailey Burroughs with any questions or concerns, or for more information about being involved on Sunday nights!

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Confirmation is the next step in a youth’s faith formation journey. During Confirmation, we learn foundational things of what we believe, what it means to be a Christian, what it means to be a Methodist, and what it means to be a member of Apex UMC. Confirmation this year will take place on selected Sundays at 11:00 a.m. in the CLC starting October 13th. Available for 8th-12th grade. 

Please feel free to reach out to Hailey Burroughs with any questions or concerns.

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Middle and high school students are invited to Sunday Night Youth! This is a time for students to have fun, build friendships, learn about God, and share in small groups. Our youth gatherings consist of dinner, large group session, as well as grade group and small group time.

Find more information about or join a High School Small Group here.

Please feel free to reach out to Tanner Johnson with any questions or concerns, or for more information about being involved on Sunday nights!

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Confirmation is the next step in a youth’s faith formation journey. During Confirmation, we learn foundational things of what we believe, what it means to be a Christian, what it means to be a Methodist, and what it means to be a member of Apex UMC. Confirmation this year will take place on selected Sundays at 11:00 a.m. in the CLC starting October 13th. Available for 8th-12th grade.

Please feel free to reach out to Tanner Johnson with any questions or concerns.


The youth handbell choirs of Apex UMC offer youth the unique opportunity to ring handbells in a group setting. We currently offer two handbell choirs for youth, one advanced choir (Jubilate) and one intermediate choir (Celebration), and both groups meet simultaneously to rehearse. Our youth handbell choirs lead in worship on a regular basis throughout the school year and participate in the youth choir/handbell tour in May.

YOUTH CHOIR (Grades 6-12)

Youth choir is open to all middle and high school students who desire to sing and use their voice to glorify God. This dynamic choir rehearses a large variety of music on Sunday afternoons in conjunction with all of Apex’s Sunday evening youth activities. The youth choir sings regularly in worship, participates in festivals and outreach events in the community, and ends the year with a weekend tour to share its message and music with those beyond the walls of the church.

Rehearsals: Sundays, 5-6 p.m.
Director: Todd Arant


Youth Engaged in Service (Y.E.S.) – January 24- 26, 2025
Youth Engaged in Service (YES) is a mission project specifically created for middle school students! It’s open to students in 6th, 7th or 8th grades (traditional & year-round calendars) during the 2024-2025 school year. Teams of middle schoolers will partner with local nonprofits to support their work in our community. Projects vary and could include anything from helping at a local farm, working on projects around the church, serving local community members, harvesting a garden and more! Contact Hailey Burroughs for more info!


Apex Outreach Service Project (AOSP) – July 13-19, 2025
A.O.S.P. is a local home repair service project for students who have completed 8th-12th grades by June 30.

Over the last 25 years Apex Outreach Service Project (AOSP) has faithfully served our community repairing over 200 homes and creating opportunities for thousands of students to develop home repair skills, build relationships with people in our community, and most importantly deepen their faith in Christ. Each years teams of high school students, college leaders, and adult team leaders help our neighbors with projects including: painting, replacing siding, flooring, building ramps, etc. All rising 9th-12th grade students are eligible for this life changing week.

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