Children's Ministry
From quiet places for newborns to high-energy activities for elementary-aged children, we provide age-appropriate ways for children (infants through 5th grade) to encounter God.
From quiet places for newborns to high-energy activities for elementary-aged children, we provide age-appropriate ways for children (infants through 5th grade) to encounter God.
Children’s Sunday School meets each week at 9:35 am in the Discipleship Center during the traditional school year. Classes are available for preschoolers (who are at least 3 years old by August 31) through 5th graders. The bible story videos for each week are linked below so that you can watch them at home as well. Questions? Contact Ellen Griffin.
Children’s Church is offered for ages 3 years (by August 31) through 1st grade during 11:00 worship. Children should be checked in and get a name tag prior to worship, then begin worship with their family. After the Children’s Moment, a leader will take the children out of service together. Children will have fun singing songs, hearing a Bible lesson, doing age-appropriate games or crafts, and playing. Parents are asked to take turns rotating as leaders.
Spiritual Milestone – All students will learn the seasons of the church and the corresponding colors.
Our Family Ministries team wants to partner with parents of children who have special needs. Our approach is to consider each child as an individual, to reach them where they are, and to help guide them into a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus while utilizing appropriate practices to embrace the child and family in the church community.
This purpose supports our church-wide motto to “Welcome All. Love All. Serve All” and mission to invite and equip all to follow Jesus in transforming the world. Below are two major objectives to fulfill this purpose:
Please reach out to us about your child’s development, social, or medical needs (including food allergies). Contact Ellen Griffin or Norma Wallace.
Did you know that the average child spends 40 hours at church each year but 3,000 hours with their parents?
We believe that it is our job as the church to partner with parents in inviting and equipping all families to follow Jesus in transforming the world. Children’s at Apex UMC offers opportunities for children, students, and parents to grow in their faith in large and small groups as individuals and families.
We want to partner with parents to synchronize what kids are learning at home and at church so that parents continue to assume the primary responsibility of leading their children spiritually and morally. Here are some resources that help you continue at home what we’re doing at church:
For more information, contact our Children’s Ministry Director, Ellen Griffin.
Preschool Sunday School, called Foothills, is for children ages 3-5 years old. It meets at 9:35 am during the traditional school year and is located in the Discipleship Center down the first floor hallway. Preschoolers learn a weekly Bible lesson through a video or storytelling, games, and small-group activities or crafts. All preschoolers participate in the Sonshine Singers Choir during a part of this hour.
At the Preschool phase, we focus on developing the following spiritual truths:
Spiritual Milestone:
For more information about our preschool programs, contact Ellen Griffin.
Elementary Sunday School, called Base Camp, is for grades K-3. It meets at 9:35 am during the traditional school year on the first floor of the Discipleship Center. All classes have large-group worship in DC300, where they sing, experience a Bible lesson through a drama or video, and learn the month’s life app and Bible verse. Classes go to individual rooms by grade for small-group activities related to the lesson and for parent pick-up.
At the Elementary phase, we focus on developing the following spiritual truths:
Spiritual Milestones:
For more information about our elementary programs, contact Norma Wallace.
Preteen Sunday School, called the Point, is for grades 4 and 5. It meets at 9:35 am during the traditional school year. Students check in downstairs in the DC lobby, then meet upstairs in DC 408/410 to experience a specific environment JUST for this age-group. The Bible lessons and activities are tailored for how preteens think, learn, feel, and grow in how they understand God and how the Bible relates to their life.
At the Preteen phase, we continue to focus on developing the following spiritual truths that we began in the Elementary phase:
Spiritual Milestones:
For more information about our elementary programs, contact Norma Wallace.
Please use these Sunday School videos to continue learning at home:
Please use these Sunday School videos to continue learning at home:
Please use these Sunday School videos to continue learning at home: