

Inviting and equipping all to follow Jesus in transforming the world.


With God’s help we are becoming a diverse, multi-generational community so unified by our love for God and one another that others are drawn to become Christ followers. We are centered in Scripture and empowered by the Holy Spirit. We invite all to join us in our passionate desire to follow Christ so that together we are transformed and prepared to serve as God calls us. We embrace God’s dream to be a church where:

  • Everyone is becoming more like Christ through spiritual disciplines, small group support and participation in congregational worship.
  • Everyone is valued and connected in community within the body of Christ.
  • Everyone discovers their God-given gifts and passions and joyfully shares them.
  • Caring relationships help us through life’s difficulties and celebrate our joys at each stage of life.
  • Our mission work transforms local, regional and global communities.
  • We share the good news of God’s love through our words and actions.
  • We love and care for all of God’s creation and work to build a just world.
  • We give generously of ourselves out of gratitude for what God has done for us.
  • Everyone we meet experiences our heart-felt hospitality and is valued as a child of God.
  • We collectively seek God’s direction to guide us.


  • Transforming Worship – We value worship both as a joyful celebration of God’s abundant grace and as God’s call to change through the spoken word, Scripture, the Sacraments and the arts.
  • Committed Discipleship – We value discipleship, striving to live our lives in ways that reflect the life and spirit of Christ and offering the Good News of God’s love to all in word and deed.
  • Compassionate Service and Hospitality – We value humble service and radical hospitality as ways in which we work to meet the needs of others, to bring about justice, peace, hope and joy to our world and to demonstrate and share God’s love for all.
  • Authentic Relationships – We value authentic relationships to nurture, forgive, support and learn from one another as we are shaped by God into the body of Christ.
  • Prayerful Living – We value prayer as essential in maintaining a relationship with God, allowing us to hear God’s will, live out that call on our lives and to advocate for others.
  • Lifelong Spiritual Growth – We value lifelong spiritual growth for children, youth and adults to equip us as disciples of Christ on our faith journey through Bible study, education and fellowship.
  • Intentional Inclusiveness – We value inclusiveness by embracing diversity, affirming that all people are loved and gifted by God and welcoming all into fellowship with our church.

Statement of Belief

  • We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • We believe in God the Father, creator of all things, ever present, who loves all people unconditionally and who sent His only Son to be our savior.
  • We believe in God the Son, Jesus Christ, both fully human and fully divine, through whose life, death and resurrection we have forgiveness of sin and eternal life, and who will come again to judge the world and overcome evil.
  • We believe in God the Holy Spirit, God’s divine presence in our lives who comforts, guides and empowers us for ministry.
  • We believe the Bible is the inspired word of God, relevant for all time and revealing God’s purposes for all creation.
  • We believe prayer to be a way in which we communicate with God, listen to God and intercede for others.
  • We believe the church is called by God to be the community of disciples of Jesus Christ, living out our faith by loving God and sharing God’s love with everyone in word and deed.
  • We believe salvation is the gift of grace offered and accepted through faith in Jesus Christ and made real in our lives by the power of the Holy Spirit.