Thanksgiving Meals
We are partnering with Western Wake Crisis Ministry to provide a Thanksgiving dinner to our neighboring families who are dealing with food insecurities. As part of the dinner, WWCM will give each family a $25 gift card to Food Lion or Walmart. WWCM anticipates needing 300 gift cards for these Thanksgiving meals.
We will be collecting $25 Food Lion and Walmart gift cards from October 27 through November 12. Specially labeled donation envelopes and details for returning the donations are being handed out (1 per family, please) during all the worship services on October 20. If you did not get a donation envelope at church, you can donate using your own envelope labeled ‘Gift card(s) for WWCM Thanksgiving Meal’.
Return all envelopes by November 12 in either the offering plate, at the church office during business hours or place in Box #1 outside the church office door. Thank you for helping our neighbors have a special Thanksgiving!